06 Oct 2021

The University of New England has ranked third for graduate employment in the latest Graduate Outcomes Survey.

The university recorded an 80.9% employment rate for students four months following graduation, compared with an average of 68.9% across all institutions.

Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce said the ranking was a great achievement for the region and highlighted the educational opportunities available in New England and Armidale.

“University of New England is a vital part of our community and I congratulate them for this exceptional result,” Mr Joyce said.

“They are demonstrating to people in regional Australia that a university education is a viable option and delivers excellent employment outcomes.

“Graduates are then more likely to stay within our community and continue to deliver positive outcomes for the economy and society more broadly. That’s why our Government is committed to boosting university participation in regional Australia.”

Australia’s regional universities outranked their capital city counterparts for full-time graduate employment four months after graduation, the survey showed.

UNE Vice-Chancellor and CEO Professor Brigid Heywood said that UNE is proud of consistently high results in graduate employment in the Graduate Outcomes Survey.

“UNE works closely with industry to produce job ready graduates, but we are also working with our students to recognise their unique life experience, knowledge and skills they bring to UNE that help shape their career once they graduate.

“We are engaged in a program of consultation with industry, government and communities to tailor our educational offerings to ensure that our graduates are equipped with skills that meet the needs of the communities they live and work in.

“Our objective as a leading regional university is to contribute positively to the communities we operate in and I think the results speak for themselves in how our graduates are leaving UNE with valuable and relevant qualifications.”

Minister for Regionalisation, Regional Communications and Regional Education Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie said the 2021 survey showed regional universities are performing well and clearly meeting the needs of employers and students.

“Many graduates from regional universities have completed degrees that prepare them for career paths and equip them with the skills that are in high demand by employers,” Minister McKenzie said

“These results also demonstrate that our regional universities have become centres of excellence in specialised fields and as a result are attracting the highest calibre of students.”

Charles Sturt University topped the list with an employment rate of 84.6 per cent four months after graduation. Central Queensland University came in next at 83.4 per cent, University of Southern Queensland at 79.2 per cent, and James Cook University at 78 per cent.

Graduates with strong vocational outcomes include Pharmacy, 95.0 per cent, Engineering, 80.3 per cent and Teacher Education, 79.1 per cent.

The full 2021 Graduate Outcomes Survey is available on the QILT website.

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