26 Aug 2021

A Tenterfield aged care facility will receive $2.5 million, thanks to the Federal Governments latest Age Care Approvals Round (ACAR).

In addition to the Haddington Nursing Home (Tenterfield) allocation, $577,825 will go to Eloura Nursing Home (Qurindi) and $120,000 has been granted to Richardson House (Barraba), totaling $3.19 million for New England.

Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce said this money will help upgrade services that could create more spacious rooms, increase privacy, and decrease the need for shared living quarters.

“The lives of residents in these three New England facilities will be vastly improved, thanks to the Liberal and Nationals government funding.” Mr Joyce said.

“It’s critical the government looks after senior citizens in regional Australia and fund projects that will improve access to quality residential care services in rural and remote locations.”

Haddington Nursing Home CEO, Fiona Murphy said the facility is extremely grateful for the capital grant, which will provide for an extension for residents living with dementia.

“Haddington is home to 46 residents, however, with an ageing population, the extension is required to enable us to continue to provide the community with quality aged care into the future,” Ms Murphy said.

Quirindi Care Services CEO, Jye Segboer says the grant will allow for ongoing savings to go back into providing better direct care for residents.

“We were successful in securing two places totaling $577,825. The funds will be used to replace our two elevators and install secure door access points within the entire facility.” “The existing elevators cost the facility over $40,000 per year in repairs and maintenance due to their age and not fit for purpose within aged care,” Mr Segboer said.

$150 million worth of Federal grants have been awarded nationwide, targeting providers facing financial stress after being impacted by bushfires, floods, and COVID-19.

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