Federal Member for New England Barnaby Joyce said the announced $25,000 increase in Anzac Centenary Local Grants Program (ACLGP) funding would ensure community-based commemoration was at the heart of the nation’s memorial activities.
The Federal Government has today announced an additional $25,000 funding would be made available for each Federal electorate, meaning communities now have up to $125,000 available to commemorate the centenary of the Anzac landings.
Mr Joyce said the additional funding would allow more communities across New England to participate in this important commemorative milestone.
“There are more than 1500 memorials to the First World War across the country,” Mr Joyce said.
“These tributes to our diggers take all forms – from avenues of trees, gardens, parks, memorial gates and the omnipresent lone soldier statue and honour board.”
“From the smallest farming community to the biggest metropolitan centre, Australians have remained proud of our military heritage and the sacrifices the Anzacs made along the coastline at Gallipoli during the early stages of the First World War.”
“Australia will gather in 2015 to remember one of the most significant moments in our history and I encourage all communities across New England to consider submitting a proposal.”
“The additional funding announced today is an opportunity to ensure communities can upgrade existing memorial infrastructure or create new projects which share the reasons our soldiers fought and the values they were defending.”
The closing date for applications has also been extended. Applications must be received by the Department of Veteran Affairs by no later than 30 May 2014.
For more information on the application process, contact Mr Joyce’s Tamworth office on
02 6761 3080.