Work experience to help job seekers into work in the New England Electorate

07 Oct 2015


FEDERAL Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce has welcomed a new National Work Experience Programme that will help job seekers gain valuable experience in workplaces around the country.


Launched earlier this week by the Minister for Employment, Senator Michaelia Cash, the programme aims to build the confidence and real life work experience of job seekers and prepare them to meet the expectations of employers.


“The National Work Experience Programme will allow young job seekers in particular to connect with real jobs,” Mr Joyce said.


“The programme will give job seekers in the New England Electorate an opportunity to experience a placement in a work-like role so they can showcase their skills to a potential employer.”


Employer surveys show that insufficient work experience prevents many job seekers, especially young job seekers, from getting and keeping a job.


Mr Joyce said work experience teaches job seekers about workplace expectations, and allows them to demonstrate their commitment to work and to learn some practical skills.


“I encourage anyone trying to enter the job market to consider the benefits of work experience,” Mr Joyce said.


In an initiative which aims to facilitate a transition into a paid role, employers who go on to offer a young person paid employment after their placement may be eligible to receive a wage subsidy of up to $6,500 over 12 months.


Eligible job seekers will be able to volunteer to undertake work experience in businesses for up to 25 hours per week for a maximum of four weeks.


Importantly, they will continue to receive their income support payment while in an unpaid placement together with a supplement to assist with the costs of participation.


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