The Tamworth New England Electorate Office will relocate to the southern end of Peel Street on August 5.
The move will bring the office into line with the standard security arrangements and workplace health and safety policy at government premises.
Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, said the existing electorate office had been in use since 2002 and current provisions were inadequate to sufficiently meet the needs of constituents and staff in a contemporary setting.
“This will update working conditions to what is required and expected of a modern workplace,” Mr Joyce said.
He added that a number of recent security incidents highlighted the need for a refresh of security provisions.
“Everyone should feel safe at their place of work and these new security measures will reflect what is already in place at parliamentary offices around the country,” he added.
The new location will also allow for easier wheelchair access while maintaining a central location in Tamworth’s CBD for local constituents.
The location of the new office will be Suite 17, Ground Floor, 454-456 Peel Street, Tamworth. The existing office phone number, email and mailing address will remain the same.