Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, is today joining our region’s youth for national headspace Day.
headspace Day (October 9) aims to get people talking about youth mental health – an issue of major importance to young people in the New England.
According to headspace, a quarter of all young Australians will experience mental health issues every year – that’s more than 5000 affected lives here in the New England.
To help people become more educated about the importance of taking care of their mental health, headspace is asking Australians to share their personal tips on how they take care of their own.
Mr Joyce has a typically rural way of dealing with mental stress he encounters, by talking a leisurely walk in the bush and following it up with a swim in the river.
He highlighted the importance of seeking help and the number of people who already have in the local area.
“In Tamworth alone, headspace has helped more than 730 young people in 2016-17,” Mr Joyce said.
“This equates to 4,011 occasions of care for local young people and their families.
“headspace Day is a great opportunity for us all to support young people who are experiencing mental health issues.”
You can share your personal mental health tip using the hashtag #headspaceday or visit for more information.
If you or someone you know is experiencing mental issues, you can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14.