Upgraded facilities for Quirindi men’s shed

05 Sep 2019

Pictured:  Mr Joyce, Liverpool Plains Shire Council Mayor Andrew Hope and volunteers from Quirindi men’s shed at the official opening of new facilities.


Members at Quirindi Rural Heritage Village Men's Shed now have new facilities to call their own following a grant under Round 18 of the Australian Government’s National Shed Development Program. 


Earlier this year the shed was awarded $5,500 in funding towards construction of an awning on the northern side of the shed’s meeting room and kitchen, new paving and a concrete path to connect with the work area as well as installation of a hot water system and shed soundproofing.


Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, said the local organisation was to be commended for its proactive approach to improving facilities for its members.


“Men’s sheds are the heart of many towns and villages across the New England,” Mr Joyce said.


“For some, they offer a place to build, create and give back to the community while for others it’s a place to just relax among like-minded company.


“Not that long ago I was here opening the group’s new lunchroom which was also funded with help of a grant through my office,” Mr Joyce said.


“So it gives me great pleasure to be here again to see yet more improvements members have made for the benefit of the Quirindi community.”


The Federal Government is investing $5.1 million over three years to the national men’s sheds movement.


The men’s shed grants provide funding for health improvement activities, the purchase of tools and equipment, community projects and training and for building maintenance and development.


The Federal Government recently introduced a new law that will make donations to men’s and women’s sheds tax deductable.


What this means is that as of 1 July 2020, anyone who donates $2 or more to a shed can claim an income tax deduction for that donation.



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