Do you live in the Gwydir shire and finding it tough to pay for daily university expenses due to unforeseen circumstances, such as drought?
Member for New England and Special Envoy for Drought Assistance and Recovery, Barnaby Joyce, is urging students from the University of New England (UNE) who match the criteria to apply for assistance to help further their studies in the local region.
Applications are closing soon (January 27) for the D.L McMaster Fund Endowed Housing Scholarship.
The residential and tuition scholarship is open to UNE students studying a Bachelor of Agriculture, Bachelor of Rural Science, Bachelor of Agriculture Production and Management or Bachelor of Agriculture and Business.
“This is a great opportunity for local students who have had it tough recently, through drought or other circumstances, to pursue higher education without added financial pressures,” Mr Joyce said.
“It’s all about keeping our skilled young people here in the New England, and providing peace of mind to farming families dealing with drought who just want the best for their children.”
Students must demonstrate financial need and be studying any of the above disciplines in any year. They must have a permanent home address in the Gwydir Shire and live or intend to live in the UNE Residential College for the duration of the Scholarship.
For more information, click here.