The call has gone out for tenders from prequalified contractors to build the $120 million bypass of Scone, which will improve freight efficiency and driver and pedestrian safety by removing heavy vehicles from the centre of town.
Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said the call for tenders was the next step in improving amenity for Scone residents.
“This project is part of the Australian Government’s record $75 billion investment in infrastructure around the nation, which is saving lives, creating jobs and supporting a growing nation,” Mr Chester said.
Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Member for New England Barnaby Joyce said the project involved building about five kilometres of new two-lane highway to the west of Scone.
“The call for tenders is the next step towards diverting thousands of vehicles from travelling through the middle of Scone every day,” Mr Joyce said.
“Our Government is putting $65 million into this project to make it a reality. It is part of our commitment to delivering improved travel times and efficiency for trucks and heavy vehicles along the New England Highway and providing safer streets for the people of Scone.
New South Wales Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight Melinda Pavey said the bypass would be built under a ‘construct only’ contract to be awarded by the end of 2017, with construction due to start in 2018.
“A pre-tender meeting and site inspection will be held in Scone on 23 August,” Mrs Pavey said.
“A ‘construct only’ contract means the successful tenderer will be tasked with following the blueprint set out by the previously approved preferred route design.”
Member for Upper Hunter Michael Johnsen said the infrastructure was a vital part of the community’s growth.
“We are delivering on our election promises for Scone and our local community, and this infrastructure will help this community grow into the future,” Mr Johnsen said.
Key features of the project include
a grade-separated intersection at the southern end of the bypass,
at-grade intersections at St Aubins Street and at the northern end of the bypass, and
three new bridges
The Australian Government has committed $65 million and the New South Wales Government $55 million to fund the bypass. More information and documentation can be found at