Take off for $3.2 million Armidale Airport Roundabout

12 Dec 2017

Mr Joyce announcing approval of the $3.2 million Armidale airport roundabout on Monday. 


  • Federal contribution to $3.2 million Armidale Airport Roundabout project approved
  • Construction to start in early 2018
  • Project to improve safety, airport access and support nearby industrial development


The Armidale Airport Roundabout has been cleared for take off, with the Australian Government approving its $1 million contribution and works set to start early in the New Year.


Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Member for New England Barnaby Joyce said the project would improve access to Armidale Airport and support proposed industrial development in the area.


“This project is going to build a two-lane roundabout on the New England Highway south of Armidale, creating a free-flowing intersection capable of coping with expected future traffic growth due to airport operations and business development in the surrounding precinct,” Mr Joyce said.


“It will also support the planned rezoning and redevelopment of adjacent land, which means it is a direct investment in more than 1,300 local jobs, because it will support a proposed industrial subdivision on the eastern side of the highway.”


New South Wales Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight Melinda Pavey said the new roundabout would also improve safety and traffic flow along the New England Highway.


“The project will allow the 60km/h speed zone in the area to be extended, improving safety, access and road quality for the local community and for freight traffic, including B-double trucks,” Mrs Pavey said.


Mayor of Armidale Regional Council Simon Murray said construction of the roundabout would mean immediate benefits for the community.


“The intended use of local contractors, suppliers and council employees in construction mean the benefits will flow from the New Year, in addition to the long-term benefits of access to the Council’s new business park development and access to Saumarez Homestead,” Cr Murray said.


Construction on the works is expected to start in early 2018 and be completed by the end of 2018.


The Australian Government has committed $1 million, the New South Wales Government $1 million and Armidale Regional Council $1.2 million to fund the $3.2 million project.

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