Supporting Australians experiencing hardship in New England

14 Dec 2018

Residents living in New England in financial crisis will receive vital emergency support with new funding from the Liberal-National Government.


Minister for Families and Social Services Paul Fletcher announced $200 million for 185 community organisations delivering Emergency Relief.


Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, said more than $800,000 in funding is being provided to Armidale Neighbourhood Centre, Centacare New England North West and Best Employment.


The New England will also share in state-wide funding contributions to Salvation Army ($22.3 million), Anglican Community Services ($8.8 million) and St Vincent De Paul Society ($8.9 million).


The grants will provide assistance in the form of food parcels, clothes, bedding, household items, vouchers for utilities and supermarkets, and can include referrals to services for mental health, crisis housing, drug and alcohol issues or financial counselling.


“This funding enables community organisations to get food supplies and access to services, to many Australians impacted by crisis, including drought, which is gripping large parts of our New England electorate,” Mr Joyce said.


“These local organisations do a tremendous job for people doing it tough and in need in our communities but we can only pay for these vital grants by keeping our economy strong and the federal budget on the path to surplus.”


Minister Fletcher said in addition, almost $6 million in funding will be allocated to three organisations, Foodbank, SecondBite and OzHarvest, to provide Food Relief across Australia. 


“Over 530,000 disadvantaged Australians were helped through this relief last year—providing a vital lifeline during times of crisis, such as illness, family violence or natural disasters such as the drought.” Mr Fletcher said


The new Emergency Relief funding will be provided over a period of four and a half years commencing 1 January 2019.

  • Armidale Neighbourhood Centre Inc - $225,000  
  • Centacare New England North West - $525,114   
  • Best Employment Limited - $63,000



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