Mr Joyce pictured with Upper Hunter Shire Council General Manager Steve McDonald and Deputy Mayor Maurice Collison.
Member for New England and Special Envoy for Drought Assistance and Recovery, Barnaby Joyce, has welcomed newly completed projects on the $11.8 million upgrade of Scone Regional Livestock Selling Centre.
Recent additions to the facility include a new canteen and administration centre, upgraded entry roads and carparks, new undercover selling pens, new weighbridge area and the introduction of online selling.
“This upgrade is vitally important to ensure the long-term sustainability of the livestock industry in the Upper Hunter New England,” Mr Joyce said.
“It is providing jobs during construction at a time when the region needs it the most - during drought. Once complete, this facility will secure Scone’s position as one of the premier selling centres in the state, and indeed the nation.”
The Australian Government provided $2.8 million towards the project through the Building Better Regions Fund.
Upper Hunter Shire Council has also contributed a loan of $8.4 million to the project.
The project is expected to be completed later this year.