FEDERAL Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce said the Productivity Commission Review of the Fair Work Laws, promised by the Coalition prior to the 2013 election, is now underway and is calling for people in the New England Electorate area to make submissions.
Mr Joyce said the independent review will assess the operation of the Fair Work framework and consider options for improvement before making recommendations to Government.
“It is important that the Productivity Commission get a full understanding of how the laws work in practice, both good and bad, including practical examples from local employees, employers and community groups,” Mr Joyce said.
“Submissions can be made on any aspect of the system and an online comments option is available, which can be used to quickly and simply submit views of the system.
“Anyone in our local community with feedback, positive or negative, on how the workplace relations system is working should make a submission to ensure a wide ranging and robust report,” he said.
The review is due to report by the end of 2015 and will make recommendations to the Government. Any recommendations that the Government decides to adopt will then be taken to the 2016 election to seek a mandate from the Australian people.
Submissions to the review can be made online at www.pc.gov.au or by post to the Productivity Commission, Locked Bag 2, Collins St East Melbourne VIC 8003.