Regional water system delivers greater water security for Liverpool Plains Shire Council

17 Mar 2016



The Deputy Prime Minister and the Member for New England Barnaby Joyce has met with a delegation from the Liverpool Plains Shire Council [LPSC] in his Parliamentary office to receive a briefing on the Council’s Regional Water Supply Strategy proposal.


Mr Joyce said the Council delegation included the Mayor, Andrew Hope, General Manager, Ron Van Katwyk, the Water Services Manager, Rod Batterham and Acting Director of Environmental & Economic Development Services, Donna Ausling.


He said delegation explained the development of the strategy has now progressed to "Shovel Ready" status ready for investment.


LPSC said it had already constructed some components of the System, with the Quipolly Dam safety upgrade and increased storage works, Quirindi five Megalitre reservoir and Willow Tree’s pipeline, pump station and reservoir recently completed.


However there are challenges like the current delivery main from Quipolly Dam, which is more than 100 years old and has to be operated at low pumping rates to prevent breakage, which in turn limits delivery performance.


“I’ve been working closely with Council on the LPSC Regional Water Supply Strategy and it’s fantastic to be able to welcome the Liverpool Plains Shire Council delegation to Canberra to discuss possible funding opportunities for this important regional project,” Mr Joyce said.






Pictured are LPSC General Manager, Ron Van Katwyk, Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce and LPSC Mayor Andrew Hope.


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