The Federal Coalition Government's $18.4 million Regional Employment Trial (RET) is supporting local jobseekers in the New England gain employment in the rapidly growing community services sector.
Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce said the Government is investing $103,875 in the Careers in Community Services project - a recruitment program supporting unemployed people in Tamworth, Armidale, and Inverell to access jobs in the community services sector, specifically residential aged care, home and community care and disability.
“This is furthering our policy of decentralisation and driving more jobs into rural and regional areas across the New England,” Mr Joyce said.
“The Trial program is working directly with community members to establish practical measures to support job seekers, which in this instance is helping people gain employment in the disability and aged care sector.”
The Careers in Community Service project will also cover the Narrabri and Gunnedah communities and provide skills needed to work in community services to people who want to work and connect them to employers.
The recruitment programs are comprised of a recruitment session, training program and work experience placement.
The RET program in Northern Inland NSW is supported by Jobs Australia, and a locally-based Employment Facilitator who works directly with stakeholders to assist employers.
In the trial regions, Employment Facilitators work with Regional Development Australia (RDA) committees to enable local stakeholders to address employment needs.
Under the trial, $1 million is available in each of the 10 selected regional areas which include parts of the New England, providing grants of between $7,500 and $200,000 to local stakeholders for employment related projects that meet local needs.
Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, said the Trial is another way the Coalition Government is actively addressing the needs of regional Australia and creating more job opportunities for locals.
“The Government is committed to ensuring job seekers in regional areas are getting the assistance they need to gain sustainable employment. This includes helping to identify future employment, training or work experience opportunities and addressing local skills gaps,” Minister Cash said.
The Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton said the Coalition Government is committed to supporting local communities and continuing to provide practical and tailored assistance to those job seekers who need it.
“We are encouraging local jobseekers to upskill to fill positions in high demand industries such as the community services sector,” said Mr Coulton.
This program will provide jobseekers with the skills needed to work in the community services sector and connect them to employers in a supportive environment. Since its launch in August, the local RET program has assisted more than 100 local participants.
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