APVMA approaching the market to secure a permanent Armidale office
Tender launched, seeking providers to supply accommodation for lease by July 2019
Premises must be within a 10km radius of the University of New England
Armidale’s place as a centre of agricultural excellence in agvet chemicals research capacity is closer to being realised, with the launch of a tender to deliver the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority’s (APVMA’s) permanent Armidale office.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, Barnaby Joyce, today said it showed the relocation is moving forward on schedule.
“The APVMA is now open for business in Armidale with a transition office in place, and now we are working to deliver the Authority’s new permanent home,” Minister Joyce said.
“The APVMA requires 2,000 to 3,200 square metres of quality office accommodation for its staged relocation by July 2019.
“The new premises must be within a 10km radius of the University of New England, as part of the much-anticipated Centre of Agricultural Excellence in Armidale.
“The relocation provides significant opportunities for the APVMA to modernise its business processes, improve its performance and build an efficient and effective regulator of the future.
“This will help improve access to agricultural and veterinary chemicals for Australian farmers.
“Relocating the APVMA to Armidale is delivering on the government’s commitment to boost jobs and investment in regional communities delivering long-term benefits.
“Regional Australians deserves their fair share of government services and opportunities; and that includes being able to access quality public sector careers.
“The APVMA relocation will deliver new jobs, increase the availability of skilled employees, and increase the diversity and resilience of Armidale’s economy.
Expressions of Interest are due by close of business 27 July 2017. Interested parties can download the Expressions of Interest and associated documents at www.tenders.gov.au
Fast facts
During the 2016 election the government committed to establish Armidale as a Centre of Agricultural Excellence by relocating the APVMA, capitalising on the presence of the University of New England.
Other agricultural agencies, including the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, the Grains Research and Development Corporation (RDC), Fisheries RDC and the Rural Industries RDC have instituted moves to increase their regional presence.
The government has announced its focus on a wider decentralisation program, which will be informed by a whole of government process, based on established assessment criteria and business cases.