Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield, Minister for the Arts and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce have encouraged arts and cultural heritage organisations to apply for the next Visions of Australia regional exhibitions touring program.
Each year $2.4 million is available to arts and culture organisations to develop or tour exhibitions.
“The Visions of Australia program gives Australians the opportunity to experience quality art and culture exhibitions that might not otherwise be able to travel to regional areas. I encourage organisations with the capacity to tour to apply for the program,” Mr Joyce said.
“It’s an opportunity to share the New England Electorate’s unique arts and culture throughout Australia. Each tour must include at least three venues outside of NSW with tours to regional venues a higher priority for funding.”
Minister Fifield said the program is one of a number of Australian Government initiatives designed to increase audience access to different art forms and provide wider exposure for Australian artists.
“The Coalition Government is ensuring regional and remote audiences have access to quality exhibitions and cultural activities. The Visions of Australia program aims to inspire, educate and entertain audiences and allow them to experience significant collections and stories from across Australia.”
Two application rounds are held each year, in February for funding to commence from 1 July, and October for funding to commence the following January.
Applications for this round close on 10 March, 2017 at 5.00 pm AEDST.
The guidelines and application form are available at: