22 July 2015
FEDERAL Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce said community organisations in the new England Electorate can apply for grants to help deliver projects that will reduce violence against women and their children.
A total of $4 million is available under the Building Safe Communities for Women and their Children initiative to fund one-off projects to address domestic violence.
Mr Joyce said this funding will help organisations in the New England Electorate area to come together to respond to and support women and their children who are experiencing violence.
“Everyone, whether as individuals, through organisations or the community as a whole, has a responsibility to recognise violence against women and its impact, and be prepared to act,” he said.
“Organisations such as community groups, sporting bodies, youth organisations, schools and faith groups can all play an important role in improving safety for women and their children.
“One-off funding of up to $150,000 over two financial years is available to from 1 October 2015 to 30 September 2017.”
The Coalition Government understands that domestic violence affects different women in different ways and as such innovative and original solutions must be sourced from communities across the country.
Grants can be used to develop a range of practical solutions for dealing with issues of domestic violence in their community. Projects could focus on local engagement to raise awareness about the impacts of violence against women, working with young people about violence within relationships, or building partnerships to better respond to the needs of women experiencing violence.
“Importantly, successful organisations will publish and share information about their experiences and outcomes of their project. This will create a valuable resource for communities right across Australia,” Mr Joyce said.
This funding is an Australian Government initiative under the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022. It builds on the partnership between Australian governments and communities to reduce violence against women and their children. The funding is not intended for ongoing service delivery.
Applications close 2pm AEST Thursday, 27 August 2015. Further information is available at www.dss.gov.au/grants
Victims of domestic and family violence and / or sexual assault, as well as their family and friends can contact 1800RESPECT 1800 737 732 or visit www.1800respect.org.au