New, fairer child care system for New England communities

03 Jul 2018

Pictured with Minister Gillespie and representatives from Armidale Family Day Care during the first day of the Coalition's new fairer child care subsidy. 


Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, joined Assistant Minister for Children and Families, Dr David Gillespie, in Armidale to discuss the Coalition Government’s new child care subsidy which supports families working the most but earning the least.


Thousands of families in the New England electorate will benefit from new subsidies under the Federal Coalition Government’s new child care system, which started on July 2.


Mr Joyce said it was crucial that all eligible families signed up to the new system immediately, given that the switchover isn’t automatic.  


“On average, eligible families will be $1,333 a year better off per child under our reforms but families need to make the switch to the new system or they risk disrupting their payments,” Mr Joyce said.

“Parents and carers need to log on to myGov or visit and update their details if they haven’t done so already”.


Federal Assistant Minister for Children and Families, Dr David Gillespie, said the new child care system will ensure that families on low incomes will receive the greatest support.


“The Federal Coalition Government’s reforms are set to benefit almost one million families nation-wide and it’s estimated around 230,000 families will increase their workforce participation,” Dr Gillespie said.


“Our reforms include an extra $2.5 billion investment that will mean more subsidies for families working the most and for families earning the least, scrapping the annual rebate cap for most families as well as an hourly rate cap to keep downward pressure on fees”.

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