FEDERAL Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce said businesses will get the opportunity to have a say on the direction of the Australian Government’s new Mining Equipment, Technology and Services Industry Growth Centre, with public consultation being held in Sydney on 29 April.
The $188.5 million Industry Growth Centres are the centrepiece of the Government’s new industry direction and part of the Industry Innovation and Competitiveness Agenda.
Experienced minerals processing executive Elizabeth Lewis-Gray, who chairs the Mining Equipment, Technology and Services Growth Centre, is consulting nationwide with mining industry suppliers, other industries and researchers to develop a proposal for the centre’s activities.
Mr Joyce said Ms Lewis-Gray would like to speak to business people from the New England Electorate who are interested in strengthening the future of Australia’s resources and energy support sector.
“Ms Lewis-Gray is seeking local input on industry issues like the best ways to encourage collaboration and new product commercialisation, improve engagement between researchers and industry, enhance workforce skills and reduce regulatory burden.
“The consultations will also focus on ways to improve the capability of Australian businesses to engage in international markets and global supply chains.
“I encourage local business leaders to sign up for the Sydney consultation.”
Five Industry Growth Centres will be established by the end of the year in areas where Australia has a competitive advantage: Food and Agribusiness; Advanced Manufacturing; Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals; Mining Equipment, Technology and Services; and Oil, Gas and Energy Resources.
The Sydney session is scheduled for 29 April between 11.30am and 1.30pm at the Department of Industry and Science, Level 5, 341 George Street [enter from Wynyard Street]. RSVP at http://register.eventarc.com/29952/mining-equipment-technology-and-services-growth-centre-consultation-session-sydney