FEDERAL Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce said the meeting of the Coalition Government’s National Ice Taskforce today in Sydney is an indication that all stops are out to ensure that all aspects of this menace are being addressed
Mr Joyce said the overall purpose of the Taskforce will be to examine all existing efforts to address ice and identify ways to take a systematic, comprehensive and coordinated approach to education, health and law enforcement.
He said the Minister for Justice Michael Keenan and Assistant Minister for Health Senator Fiona Nash held initial talks with the Taskforce members prior to the meeting.
Mr Joyce said in the New England electorate there have been reports of increased levels of concern by police and medical practitioners who are alarmed by the nation’s growing addiction to this mind-eating, personality-distorting, life-ending drug.
“The Australian Crime Commission considers ice poses the highest risk of all illicit drugs to our community with the rates of its use almost doubling in the last year,” he said.
“Despite the efforts of law enforcement we can’t arrest our way out of this problem. The demand for ice is attracting international supply and this has been the catalyst for the mounting harm and havoc inflicted on our communities – particularly rural and regional communities.”
“Ice affects the whole community and I look forward to input from the entire community as the Taskforce undertakes its research and report, which will identify what’s working and what isn’t in the national approach to ice.”
The facility for professionals and members of the public to make submissions to the National Ice Taskforce can be found at: http://www.dpmc.gov.au/taskforces/national-ice-taskforce/