Darren Chester Minister for Infrastructure and Transport
Barnaby Joyce Deputy Prime Minister Member for New England |
Eleven new bridge projects will be delivered in the New England Electorate following the announcement of successful projects under round three of the Federal Government’s Bridges Renewal Program.
The eleven new projects in Armidale Regional Council, Glen Innes Severn Council, Tamworth Regional Council and Walcha Council areas will receive more than $1,778,867 in Federal Coalition Government funding under the program.
Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, said he had worked closely with the community to identify key bridges for an upgrade or total replacement, with the improvement set to increase connectivity in the region.
“The eleven new bridge projects will add to the $4,200,870 already provided for eleven previous projects in the New England Electorate under rounds one and two of the program,” Mr Joyce said.
“This funding will contribute towards the cost of replacement or upgrade of bridges in the New England Electorate to create improved transport links for local businesses, families and school children travelling throughout the electorate.”
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said the $162.53 million funding toward round three of the Bridges Renewal program was in addition to the $216 million committed under the first two rounds.
“The renewal and upgrade of 186 bridges under this round will deliver social and economic benefits throughout regional Australia,” Mr Chester said.
The Federal Government’s financial commitment in this round will be matched by successful proponents. To allow for a wider distribution of projects, the Australian Government’s contribution under round three has been limited to $5 million per project.
The new projects are listed below:
Armidale Regional Council – Boundary Creek Bridge Upgrade. Federal funding of $119,265 towards the $238,530 project cost;
Armidale Regional Council – Abington Bridge Boorolong Rd Upgrade. Federal funding of $52,405 towards the $104,810 project cost;
Armidale Regional Council - Hiscox Bridge Upgrade. Federal funding of $38,270 towards the $76,540 project cost;
Armidale Regional Council - Maiden Creek Bridge Upgrade. Federal funding of $54,178 towards the $108,356 project cost;
Armidale Regional Council - Pipeclay Gully Bridge Upgrade. Federal funding of $95,530 towards the $191,060 project cost;
Armidale Regional Council - Station Creek Bridge Upgrade. Federal funding of $76,660 towards the $153,320 project cost;
Armidale Regional Council - Wollomombi River Bridge Upgrade. Federal funding of $156,325 towards the $312,650 project cost.
Glen Innes Severn Council - Polhill Road Bridge Replacement. Federal funding of $292,000 towards the $592,000 project cost;
Tamworth Regional Council - Middlebrook Creek Bridge 1 Replacement in conjunction with Benama Bridge. Federal funding of $173,811 towards the $347,622 project cost.
Tamworth Regional Council - Middlebrook Creek Bridge 2 Replacement. Federal funding of $409,048 towards the $818,096 project cost.
Walcha Council - Wollun Road Bridge Replacement. Federal funding of $311,375 towards the $622,750 project cost.
For more information on the program, including a full list of successful Round Three projects is available at www.infrastructure.gov.au/bridges.