NBN rolls out to Kootingal

10 Jan 2018

Kootingal is the latest site to go live on the National Broadband Network with more than 12,000 sites in the Tamworth region now able to access faster speeds.


Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, said 710 homes and businesses at Kootingal can now experience improved speeds by connecting to the nbn™ network.


They join about 12,100 premises around Tamworth, Moore Creek, Oxley Vale, Hillvue, Taminda and Westdale that have been able to take advantage of services delivered over nbn’s Fixed Line technology since last year.


“New England has seen strong growth across many sectors and the nbn™ will expand those opportunities available to local businesses,” Mr Joyce said.


“High speed broadband can improve productivity through cloud based sharing with staff and customers as well as increase access to new markets through e-commerce.


“Residential customers will also benefit from improved opportunities to work from home, better access to online education tools and more options for on-demand entertainment.


“More than 70 per cent of the New England is now able to connect to the nbn™ but we’re not stopping there.


“More sites are expected to be connected early this year including at Manilla, Walcha and Uralla.”


Residents and businesses are reminded switching to an nbn™ powered plan is not automatic and they must contact their preferred provider to discuss their requirements and transition to the nbn™ network.


The nbn™ network is not just about the internet – it’s all landline services including home phone, medical alarm, eftpos and fire and lift alarms. Homes and businesses in the fixed line network have 18 months after their premise goes live to transition to the nbn™ network.


People can find out whether they are eligible to connect at nbn.com.au/check or by contacting their preferred phone or internet provider.


A step-by-step guide to connecting is available at nbnco.com.au/connect-home




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