Major upgrade for Armidale Airport

14 Mar 2017


  • Armidale Airport terminal to nearly triple in size with new facilities
  • Deed of Agreement for $1.1 million in Coalition Government funds for Stage Two of the $10.5 million upgrade signed today;
  • Stage One, worth $5.1 million, including an apron extension, upgrade of runway lighting and new parallel taxiway complete;
  • Stage Two, worth $10.5 million, including redevelopment of the terminal, scheduled for completion by the end of the year.


A major upgrade of Armidale Airport, almost tripling the size of the existing terminal building and ensuring business can be conducted more easily in the regional centre, is a step closer today.


Four new check-in areas, office space for air carriers, an upgrade of the restrooms, café, baggage handling area, small business space and screening facilities will be built, Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce said.


“The Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development has executed a Deed of Agreement for the $1.1 million in funds for Stage Two of the $10.5 million upgrade,” Mr Joyce said.


“This is a real milestone for Armidale, marking an important expansion of what is becoming an extremely busy airport. This means more business can be done, as we grow Armidale’s Agricultural Centre of Excellence and relocate the APVMA to Armidale.


“Stage One, worth $5.1 million, has already been completed and included an apron extension, upgrade of runway lighting and new parallel taxiway.  Stage 2, redevelopment of the terminal, worth $10.5 million, is scheduled for completion by the end of the year.


“The Coalition Government promised that the Armidale Regional Airport would be upgraded and we are delivering.”


Armidale Regional Council Administrator, Dr Ian Tiley said the additional funding for the Armidale Regional Airport upgrade announced today shows a real commitment by the Coalition Government to the future prosperity of the New England region.


“I am delighted with today’s announcement of $1.1 million in funding towards the terminal upgrade,” Dr Tiley said.


“Without the support of the State and Federal Governments, Council would not have been able to get this project off the ground.  The airport upgrade, including the proposed new industrial subdivision, will provide a huge economic boost – driving growth, industry, jobs and tourism to the Armidale region.”


Armidale Business Chamber President, Susan Cull said the airport upgrade was a fabulous ongoing investment for the New England North West region.


“We are the centre for agricultural excellence and this investment by three levels of Government to upgrade this airport will take the region’s economy to another level in growing business diversity and prosperity,” Ms Cull said.


Armidale Regional Council Administrator, Dr Ian Tiley, Armidale Business Chamber President, Susan Cull, and Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, inspect the Armidale Airport upgrade.


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