Labor fights against drought funding for New England communities

22 Feb 2019

Member for New England and Special Envoy for Drought Assistance and Recovery, Barnaby Joyce, has welcomed the passing of the Coalition’s Future Drought Fund through the House of Representatives this week as it fights to help farmers over the long-term.


The Future Drought Fund will deliver $100 million a year to be spent on drought preparedness, resilience and climate adaptation for local farmers but Labor fought to stop the fund.


Mr Joyce was pleased the Coalition Government was fighting for farmers in our region.


“The Future Drought Fund is about making sure the next drought doesn’t hit farmers in the New England-Upper Hunter as hard as the one we’re going through now,” Mr Joyce said.


“Investing $100 million a year in drought preparedness, resilience and climate adaptation can have big benefits for farmers.


“This fund would also support the economy in towns like Murrurundi and Merriwa making sure people living here can keep their jobs.


“We are also continuing to deliver millions of dollars in drought funding to all 10 councils across the New England to help local communities and businesses get back on their feet.”


Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud said Labor had shown it was prepared to play dirty to stop long-term investment for farmers in the New England electorate.


“Labor openly opposes the Future Drought Fund investing in towns like Scone so it can spend that money on roads in Sydney.


“I’m determined to deliver the Drought Future Fund and $100 million a year it provides to farmers and both Mr Joyce and I will fight Labor tooth and nail on this.”



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