Secondary school students at O'Connor Catholic College in Armidale will benefit from new staff and administration offices, learning areas for dance, drama and music, and library areas thanks to a Federal Government grant.
Member for New England Barnaby Joyce announced the Australian Government would provide $1,899,254 towards the project at O'Connor Catholic College through the Capital Grants Program.
“Since 2013, we have delivered more than $8 million in funding under the Capital Grants Program to schools across the New England electorate,” Mr Joyce said.
“Now we’re also investing nearly $2 million for classroom upgrades at O'Connor Catholic College to make sure local kids here in Armidale have access to the best facilities available.
“It goes to show we are not only growing our employment base in this great city with the move of the APVMA to Armidale but also the services base with quality education.
“I congratulate O'Connor Catholic College for their grant and look forward to seeing the impact these improvements will have in our community.”
School Principal Regina Menz said the funding will allow greater access for their 500-plus students.
“We are so pleased to have this injection of funds, it will give us the opportunity to expand our performing arts facilities and lead into a more contemporary approach and collaborative learning at O’Connor,” Ms Menz said.
Other New England schools recently funded under the program include Calrossy Anglican School, St Nicholas School Tamworth, Scone Grammar School and Carinya Christian School.
Schools that want to learn more about the Capital Grants Program can visit