The Liberal and Nationals Government is investing $15 million in the Regional Drought Communities Small Grants Program to support regional communities across Australia experiencing the devastating effects of the current drought.
Federal Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, is urging eligible community organisations to start applying for the funding.
“For many months now, the Government has been on the ground listening to how best to assist communities – tough and resilient as they are – to pull through these difficult times,” Mr Joyce said.
“The distribution of the $15 million grant will be managed by the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal.
“Through the Tackling Tough Times Together program, the Foundation will operate a rolling small grants program to support drought affected regional communities. The Foundation will distribute the grants quickly across all states and territories to regions impacted by drought.
“The first round of applications for community grants will be open from Friday 26 October 2018. I encourage community organisations to apply.”
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said today’s announcement builds on the more than $1.8 billion in additional Australian Government drought support measures already delivered.
“Small grants will be available to not-for-profit community groups to deliver projects in drought affected regions focusing on reducing social isolation, leadership development and skills training, social and educational participation, addressing disadvantage caused by the drought, reducing volunteer fatigue, building capacity and supporting local economic recovery or renewal,” Mr McCormack said.
“This funding will support community-based activities to relieve current stressors and symptoms while also building capacity and resilience for the future.”
Further information on the program and grant opportunities may be found on the Foundation’s website at here or by visiting the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities website at