Owners and managers of historic places with outstanding heritage significance to Australia can now apply for funding to help protect, conserve and raise awareness of the national treasures in their care.
“In New England, we have special places such as the Myall Creek memorial and massacre site which is so important, it has been included in our National Heritage List for its historic value,” Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, said.
“It is listed alongside other iconic Aussie places like the Burke, Wills, King and Yandruwandha National Heritage Place, the Snowy Mountains Scheme, and the Australian War Memorial, and we should be proud to have them here.”
“I encourage those involved with such sites to take advantage of the 2017-18 grants round now underway under the Protecting National Historic Sites program and I will be writing to council to offer my support for the application.”
Applicants have until 8 March 2018 to apply for a share of more than $4 million available this year under the program. Funding from $25,000 to $250,000 is available per successful project.
“Australia has extraordinary stories to tell of the strength, ingenuity and heart of its people, and I have heard many of them in this electorate,” Mr Joyce said.
“I want us to remember these personal, local and national histories and celebrate the contributions made.
“By protecting our historic sites that are in the National Heritage List, we honour those who’ve gone before and keep their legacy alive for the future.”
For more information, go to: business.gov.au/grants and GrantConnect.