Community groups in Scone are among the latest to receive grants under Round 5 of the Australian Government’s Stronger Communities Programme (SCP).
Latest grant recipients include:
- Scone Aero Club $20,000 - upgrade of Aero building and amenities facilities.
- Scone Arts and Crafts $2,500 - Refurbish hall facility (sanding, painting, etc).
Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, said these latest grants would provide much-needed economic stimulus at a time when communities in drought need it most.
“Scone is quite clearly a town on the move, with big investment in roads and community infrastructure a clear sign that it has a promising future ahead,” Mr Joyce said.
“These grants, which form part of a $150,000 direct investment in towns and villages right across the New England Electorate, are integral to supporting that.”
Previous SCP grant recipients in the Upper Hunter include Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre - for a mobile food van to provide breakfast for school children; Scone and Upper Hunter Historical Society – for outdoor area to display vintage items; and Merriwa Tourist Welcoming Centre – for a new kitchen and tea room.
Additionally, Guyra North West Church also received $2,500 for a kitchen upgrade its kitchen and improve access for Food Bank shoppers.
“Sometimes a cuppa and a chat is the best medicine money can buy, especially during drought,” Mr Joyce said.
“This refurbishment will provide a place where people in Guyra do that in comfort after their grocery shopping.”
Run every second Friday out of the North West Church in Guyra every, Food Bank provides affordable grocery items to the local community alongside a friendly cuppa and a chat.
Recent SCP grant recipients in Guyra include the Guyra Show Society - to upgrade its canteen facilities and Guyra Neighbourhood Centre - for a digital equipment upgrade.
The SCP provides grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 to community organisations and local governments for small capital projects that deliver social benefits for local communities.
Under the $22.65 million Round 5 of the SCP, each federal electorate has received $150,000 to allocate towards successful projects, with a maximum of 20 projects to be funded per electorate.
Funding of up to $90.0 million was available under the previous four rounds of the SCP in the 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-18, and 2018-19 financial years.
Round 5 grants recently approved:
- Barraba Art and Craft Guild: $14,500 - Structural repairs to hall.
- Deepwater Tennis Club: $7,987 - Upgrade of kitchen facilities.
- Aberdeen Pre School: $8,394 - Resurface pre-school bike track.
- Tenterfield Showground Land Manager: $9,900 – Repair and rebuild stable block.
- Tamworth Regional Craft Centre: $4,041 – Build two disabled carpark spaces, paved path and lighting to amenities.
- Tenterfield and District Community FM Radio Association: $6,920 – Preparation and installation of upgraded aerials and masts.