- Preferred route for upgrade of New England Highway between Glen Innes and Tenterfield now publicly available
- $60 million project to improve safety by tackling narrow lanes and tight bends
The preferred route for the New England Highway upgrade at Bolivia Hill is now on show for all to see, with maps and design outlines available.
Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said the project was an example of how the Coalition Government’s record $75 billion investment in infrastructure was improving road safety and efficiency throughout regional Australia.
“The preferred route for the Bolivia Hill Realignment was selected in 2014, and the detailed design work carried out since early 2016 is now complete,” Mr Chester said.
“This is a project that will change lives and save lives and is just one of several big-ticket projects we are delivering along the New England Highway, including the Scone Bypass and further planning for the Tenterfield Heavy Vehicle Bypass.”
Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, said the planned upgrades on the highway between Glen Innes and Tenterfield would make significant improvements to what is currently narrow lanes and tight bends in the road.
“Anyone who has driven the Bolivia Hill section knows it can be slow and tricky due to the many bends and narrow passes on the road,” Mr Joyce said.
“This upgrade is going to make a big difference to driver safety, with its new 320-metre-long bridge, wider lanes in each direction and widened road shoulders.
“It is going to improve safety for all drivers on this stretch of the highway and make life a lot easier for heavy vehicle operators. This will support local producers reliant on good transport links to get goods to market in a competitive manner.
“Tenders are expected to be called in mid-2017, with work on the upgrade set to start in early 2018 and take about two years to complete.”
New South Wales Member for Lismore Thomas George said a range of issues had been considered in the delivery of the project to ensure the community’s needs were met.
“This upgrade will be vital for the community, but equally, we need to protect the local environment. Roads and Maritime Services has begun collecting seeds from Bolivia Hill Wattle trees which are unique to the area,” Mr George said.
“These stored seeds will then be planted at a later date, including at the end of construction, ensuring we retain the region’s unique characteristics.
“Roads and Maritime Services will continue to work with key stakeholders and the community as design work progresses and I am looking forward to seeing this project reach completion.”
The Australian Government has committed $55 million to this project with the New South Wales Government providing $5 million.
For more information on the preferred route, visit www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects