Big investment for environment in the New England

04 Dec 2018

Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, has announced major delivery through the Regional Land Partnerships Program.


“Issues at the forefront include such things as soil carbon and building resilient grazing systems in the Northern Tablelands as part of a funding commitment of more than $20 million dollars for the New England North West,” Mr Joyce said.


“There is further work to protect Little Llangothlin Lagoon between Guyra and Glen Innes.


“The Regent Honeyeater, which is critically endangered, has also received substantial funding to help turn the tide for this threatened species in the North West and the Hunter.


“This is substantial investment in the environment and the productivity of agriculture in the New England electorate.” 


The projects form part of the Australian Government’s $450 million Regional Land Partnerships program. Funded over five years, they will help deliver local and regional-scale projects that support environmental and sustainable agriculture outcomes across the country.


Local Land Services (LLS) Hunter has been approved for up to $9.8 million in funding, North West LLS $5.6 million and Northern Tablelands LLS $8.6 million.


“Up to 16 projects will be undertaken across the New England aiming to achieve the best balance of both agriculture and the environment, driving a better deal though the farm gate while protecting and restoring our natural assets for future generations,” he said.


“It’s all helping us meet the needs of our local communities and deliver on our national priorities and international obligations for the environment.”


For further information about Regional Land Partnerships, visit:



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