New tower in Elsmore will provide 179 square kilometres of additional 4G coverage along Gwydir Highway and New England Highway;
Provides better opportunities for people who do move out west;
36 towers set for the New England compared to zero delivered under Labor in six years of Government.
MORE than 179 square kilometres of the New England electorate, including two major highways, will experience better 4G coverage under work achieved by the Coalition Government and Vodafone.
Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England Barnaby Joyce yesterday inspected a facility at Armidale East which Vodafone will switch on in the coming months to provide coverage between Glen Innes, Elsmore, and Inverell; Dodds Lane; Woodstock Road; and coverage towards Spring Mountain, Swanbrook, Matheson, Swan Vale and Brodies Plains and along the Gwydir and New England Highways, to benefit.
This follows the recent switch-on of Invergowrie and Walcha towers.
“Mobile coverage for the New England Electorate is something I have worked hard for and will continue to push out to the edges of my electorate,” Mr Joyce said.
“With service providers and state governments, we’re building the infrastructure, turning on the towers and creating those networks to give people better access to communications, such as 4G services now available in Elsmore.
“Whether it’s phoning the neighbours, looking up cattle prices online, getting people out to do work, more connectivity means more opportunities for growth and development.”
Mr Joyce said the Mobile Black Spot Programme meant small business could operate more efficiently while improving safety on farms and roads.
“There are now 36 towers in total across the New England electorate eligible for new and improved mobile phone coverage,” he said.
“Labor did not help build a single mobile phone tower nor invest a single cent in mobile coverage in six years of Government.”
New England's communities of Baldersleigh, Koreelah, Pinkett, Mount Hourigan at Aberfoyle and Doughboy Mountain near Wongwibinda were added to the list in December under Round 2 of the Mobile Black Spot Programme.