FEDERAL Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce said while he was pleased with the progress to date of works, he looked forward to construction work beginning on the Bookookoorara Bridge on the Mount Lindesay Road.
In February this year the Coalition Government announced Round 1 of the Bridges Renewal Programme with the Tenterfield Shire Council’s, Bookookoorara Creek Bridge on the Mount Lindesay Road receiving $350,000
Mr Joyce said the renewal of the bridge would further contribute to improved road access for local traffic and increase efficiency on the Mount Lindesay Road.
“This will be a great relief to all.” he said.
“The Australian Government will cover up to 50 per cent of the costs to renew and replace bridges as part of its commitment to building connectivity and productivity,” Mr Joyce said.
Tenterfield Shire Council’s Mayor, Cr Peter Petty and the Council’s General Manager, Lotta Jackson met with Mr Joyce and were able to give him a progress report of the Mount Lindesay Road – Legume to Woodenbong corridor.
Ms Jackson said the Council’s engineers had been investigating the geology of the bridge site and the work needed for the installation of the piers for the new bridge.
She said a recent briefing from the Roads and Maritime Service had indicated the new bridge over the Bookookoorara Creek would be a pre-fabricated, “show case” structure.
Mr Joyce said more than $5 million had been contributed to the Mount Lindesay Road by the NSW and Federal Governments to help with the upgrade to the road, however he was aware more funding was needed to complete the project and he would continue to fight for funding to fully address the outcomes of a safety audit of the Road.
Submissions from Local Governments to the second round of the Bridges Renewal Programme close on 31 August 2015, with successful projects to be selected through a competitive, merit-based process.
Round Two will provide up to $100 million in funding to local councils.
Other bridges in the New England Electorate to receive funding in Round 1 of the Programme were the Uralla Shire Council’s Abington Creek Bridge receiving $705,000 and the Glen Innes Severn Shire Council’s Severn River Bridge on Nine Mile Road with $350,000.