The Deputy Prime Minister and the Member for New England Barnaby Joyce has welcomed pilots attending an aviation regulation rally in Tamworth today.
“Unfortunately we only heard of the meeting in the New England to discuss the important issue of aviation regulation and aviation safety on Friday,” Mr Joyce said.
“Cabinet is meeting tomorrow in Perth and I am unfortunately unable to attend. I'd like to reassure all aviation stakeholders that I'm only too happy to meet with them.
“These are important issues the forum will no doubt be dealing with. They are issues that affect aviators and aviation businesses across the nation and I’d like to ensure the Transport Minister Darren Chester has an option to hear them first hand.
“Consequently I've asked one of my staff to attend and my office has been touch with the organiser and let him know I’d like to set up an alternate time to meet with me, Mr Chester, the Chairman of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority and other industry stakeholders,” he said.
“Having aviators coming to Tamworth from around the state and the nation to discuss these important issues is terrific, and I am sorry I cannot be there,” Mr Joyce said.
Since being elected to Parliament Mr Joyce has met with a number of aviation stakeholders to discuss initiatives to support the industry. This includes meeting with businesses developing or expanding their aviation enterprises, lobbying for improved and updated instrument landing systems at Tamworth Regional Airport, Federal Government funding for pilot training schools and aviation safety in the electorate.
“I’m eager to support an industry that contributes vital employment and facilitates business in regional communities,” Mr Joyce said.