New England is buzzing with tourists as more Aussies and international visitors choose to holiday here.
With school holidays in full swing and Tamworth Country Music Festival just around the corner, the latest National Visitor Survey (NVS) shows more Australians are flocking to holiday in the New England region. Data also shows they’re staying longer and spending more.
Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, welcomed the tourism boom, saying it’s great news for local businesses.
“More travellers coming to the New England region means a boost for our local economy and more local jobs are created and supported,” he said.
“The NVS shows 1.59 million Australian tourists visited New England North West region in the year to September 2017 which represents an 11 per cent increase in 12 months and 23 per cent rise over three years.
“They stayed a total of 4.2 million nights for an average of three nights and pumped $565 million into the local economy through tourism spending.”
The NVS follows release of the International Visitor Survey (IVS) which indicates foreign visitor numbers have also surged and they’re also spending more.
Figures show 43,000 international tourists visited the New England North West representing a 32 per cent increase in 12 months and spent $65 million in 12 months. Meanwhile their average spend is up 38 per cent to $1,497 per person.”
Mr Joyce said locals in the New England North West should be proud.
“Our region is drawing tourists in droves with its landmark attractions and great tourism operators,” he said.
“It’s great news on a national scale as well, with overnight trips by Australians growing by seven per cent to a record 96 million and the number of nights stayed up by six per cent to a record 347 million.
“The Coalition Government continues to invest in regional areas and the tourism sector by addressing key infrastructure needs and market priorities.”
To learn more, visit the Tourism Research Australia webpage at: