Apply for Saluting Their Service commemorative grants

08 Dec 2019

COMMEMORATIVE projects in the New England may benefit from a funding boost and expanded eligibility of the Saluting Their Service (STS) Commemorative Grants Program.


The STS Grants Program is aimed at acknowledging and commemorating those who served Australia and its allies in wars, conflicts and peace operations.


Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, said the new round of the STS Grants Program is now open and its funding expansion is part of the Government’s election commitments which will see an extra $10 million allocated into the program over the next four years.


Local projects which have benefited from this funding program recently include Armidale’s Saumarez Homestead, Ebor Community Group and Walcha and District Historical Society.


“Our community has a proud military history, with many veterans now calling the New England home, and many more before them having served our nation,” Mr Joyce said.


“By increasing funding available in this program and expanding its eligibility, more organisations will be able to access grants which pay tribute to our local servicemen and women as we continue to honour the service and sacrifice of those who have served their country.


“I encourage the community here in the New England to review the new guidelines and apply for a grant to carry on the legacy of commemoration and ensure our veterans are never forgotten.”


The revised guidelines feature a shift in focus to conflicts post the First World War, and also mean projects such as documentaries, and digital projects such as digital honour rolls and podcasts, can have funds allocated.


For more information or to apply for a Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grant, visit the Community Grants Hub or GrantConnect websites.



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