FEDERAL Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce said today that entries are being sought from young regional Australians, including those who live in the New England Electorate, to participate in ABC’s Heywire Competition.
Mr Joyce said the Heywire Competition has just been launched and is calling on people aged from 16 to 22 years, living in rural and regional areas, to submit stories about life in their part of the world.
More than 30 winners will be chosen to have their story featured on ABC Radio and online and will score an all-expenses-paid trip to the Heywire Regional Youth Summit in Canberra in February 2016, where the will work on ideas to make regional Australia a better place for young people.
Mr Joyce said young people in the New England Electorate, just like other regional Electorates have a wide variety of topics to choose from if they decided to enter the Competition.
“ABC Regional Radio is such an important part of life in the bush, and Competitions like Heywire are another important conduit to tell stories of our lives out here beyond the Great Divide,” Mr Joyce said.
“The impact of drought is never far from the minds of people in the bush, the unfortunate social chaos of drugs like Ice is and the quest for knowledge is all important topics of conversation that crosses the divide between among those who live in the city or the country.
“That’s why the Heywire Competition can be such an important vehicle for young people to express their ideas.”
Entries for the Heywire Competition close on Tuesday, 16 September, 2015. More information can be found at abc.net.au/heywire