Many of us already know the New England is a great place to live.
We also think it’s a safe place to call home, according to the latest results from an online community survey published by the Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce.
Ninety per cent of local residents surveyed so far indicated they feel safe and secure in their neighbourhood.
“This is a great reflection on the people in the New England,” Mr Joyce said.
“We look after each other and help keep each other safe in our neighbourhood.”
Mr Joyce thanked the hundreds of responses received so far in the online survey.
From roads to schools, job security, health care and pressures facing local families – the questionnaire tackles topical issues in communities across the electorate.
The online format follows a successful paper survey included in the electorate’s most recent newsletter.
Mr Joyce encouraged those who have not yet taken part in either survey, to do so at their earliest convenience.
“I urge everyone in New England to jump online and make their voice heard,” he said.
“This is your electorate and I want you to have the opportunity to have a say on the important issues in your community.”
The online survey runs until October 31 and is open to all residents in the New England.
To access the online survey, visit Barnaby’s Facebook page or click the scrolling link "NE community survey" on this website's home page.