Green grants for New England projects

04 Mar 2019

Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, has welcomed $22 million in Coalition Government funding to deliver practical environmental projects which will provide new opportunities for local communities to protect and care for their local environment.


The Communities Environment Program will provide up to $150,000 to each Federal electorate in 2019-20, including the New England, for community-led projects that deliver real environmental benefits. 


A broad range of organisations will be eligible, including community clubs like Lions Clubs and Rotary Clubs, Indigenous organisations, Landcare groups, schools, and other community and conservation groups.


“This is crucial investment for the New England in making sure we protect rural and regional areas like our own for future generations to enjoy,” Mr Joyce said.


“It builds on the tens of millions of dollars in funding already being rolled out for environmental projects around the electorate including research into soil carbon and building resilient grazing systems in the Northern Tablelands; lantana and blackberry control measures; protection and rehabilitation of native fish populations in the Border Rivers.


“Just last month we announced funding for Gwydir River foreshore improvements at Bingara, meanwhile we are also funding further protection of Little Llangothlin Lagoon between Guyra and Glen Innes, as well as programs to control feral animals across the region.


“The Communities Environment Program is another funding stream that will help deliver more projects like these for the environment and for the benefit of people in the New England.”


The Program builds on the Coalition’s strong record of investing in grassroots environmental action through initiatives such as our $1 billion National Landcare Program and 20 Million Trees.


The program is modelled on the Government’s successful Stronger Communities program. Each electorate can receive funding for up to 20 projects, with grants ranging from $2,500 to $20,000.


The program will fund small-scale projects that deliver outcomes for priorities such as restoring coasts, wetlands, riverbanks and waterways, protecting native animals, reducing waste and litter, and greening local parks and urban areas.


More information is available here.



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