$22 million fund to improve liveability in our regions

04 May 2018

Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, has encouraged eligible organisations across the New England to apply for the latest funding made available for the Coalition Government's $22 million Smart Cities and Suburbs Program.


The program will fund new ideas which deliver innovative, technology-based approaches to improve the liveability and increase the productivity and sustainability of Australia’s cities, suburbs and towns.


Mr Joyce said there was good reason for New England organisations to apply with nearly half of all successful projects from round one of the program located in regional areas.


“Of the 49 projects funded in the last round worth more than $20 million, 40 per cent of successful projects were based in regional areas,” Mr Joyce said.


“This is a chance to further grow and strengthen our assets in the New England and I encourage all local organisations to consider an application.”


The Smart Cities and Suburbs Program will allocate a total of $50 million across Rounds One and Two. Projects funded under Round One included:


  • Using satellite surface temperature data to enable pedestrians and cyclists in Bendigo to map cooler routes on hot days.
  • Using wifi temperature loggers and infrared drone images to collect data on the effect of roof colour on home temperature and display the data in new housing estates in outer Perth.
  • Invest in CCTV, wifi, bin sensors, electric car charging systems, renewable energy generation and LED public lighting to help digitally transform the South Australian town of Kapunda while using data analytics to help market and promote the town.

Applications will be open until 2 July. For more information on the Smart Cities and Suburbs Program please visit https://cities.infrastructure.gov.au/smart-cities-program


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