Federal Member for New England Barnaby Joyce today received confirmation from Federal Minister for Justice Michael Keenan that his $500,000 election pledge to install additional CCTV cameras and lighting in the Tamworth CBD will be implemented.
Under the new funding arrangements, the initial $300,000 funding commitment will no longer be sourced from the former Labor Government’s National Crime Prevention Fund, as was stated in a letter sent to Tamworth Regional Council this week.
Instead, Mr Joyce has successfully lobbied for the entire $500,000 election promise to be sourced from the Coalition’s Safer Streets program, which confiscates money from criminal activity.
Mr Joyce said he remained committed to delivering on his election promises and was extremely pleased his representations to the Minister had resulted in a successful outcome for Tamworth.
“The tough economic climate we inherited from Labor makes sourcing money from the Federal Government difficult at this time,” he said.
“But this funding was an election commitment, and my election commitments will be met.”
“My role as a cabinet minister means I cannot spend every day in the electorate, but it enables me to get quick access to senior members of the Federal Government so I can deliver real outcomes for New England.”
“This is an early Christmas present for the people of Tamworth. This funding commitment will make the streets of our city safer.”