Legislation introduced to give
veterans a fair go
FEDERAL Member for New England Barnaby Joyce said 281 veterans living in the New England Electorate will benefit from the Government’s legislation to deliver fair indexation which was introduced into Parliament this week.
Mr Joyce said the introduction of this legislation gives effect to the Government’s long standing commitment to the veterans living in New England Electorate and across Australia.
“The Government promised to deliver fair indexation to Defence Forces Retirement Benefit (DFRB) and Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefit (DFRDB) scheme superannuants aged 55 and over from 1 July 2014. Our legislation delivers on this promise,” Mr Joyce said.
“The Coalition promised fair indexation in 2010, and this commitment was restated before the last election. The introduction of this legislation means that military superannuants and their families will finally get the fair go they deserve,” he said.
From 1 July 2014, DFRB and DFRDB superannuants aged 55 and over will have their benefits indexed in line with age and service pension. As promised, the fair indexation provisions will also extend to reversionary (widow) pensioners aged 55 and over.
“Addressing fair indexation was an article of faith for the Abbott Opposition and will now be delivered by the Abbott Government,” Mr Joyce said.
“Before the election, I signed the Fair Indexation Pledge to show my support for this policy. I can assure local veterans that I will be supporting this legislation in the Parliament.
“This Government has long recognised the unique nature of military service and the sacrifices military personnel and their families make on behalf of all Australians. Australia’s veterans have waited long enough for this reform.”
“By introducing this legislation, the Government is doing the right thing by those who have served,” Mr Joyce said.