07 October 2014
FEDERAL Member for New England Barnaby Joyce encouraged local organisations that have the capacity and determination to help more job seekers find and keep a job to submit a tender for Employment Services 2015-20.
Mr Joyce said the Australian Government is investing $5.1 billion in a new model to operate from 1 July 2015 to better meet the needs of job seekers, employers and employment services providers.
“The new model has a range of incentives to help employers take on new staff including significant wage subsidies for young job seekers, older job seekers and the long term unemployed.
“The new model also includes a revamped Work for the Dole programme which allows job seekers to demonstrate to future employers that they are keen and willing to work, while also giving something back to our local community.”
Mr Joyce said that the Government was keen to see high performing organisations, both small and large, tendering for business.
“The Government is seeking to ensure that our employment services system is more efficient, effective and viable over the longer term.
“For this reason, the new model includes a significant reduction in red tape and stronger rewards for performance.
“The Government has moved to five year contracts, introduced a new mid-contract price adjustment so that services can be maintained over the life of the contract and a new regional loading in recognition of the higher costs of delivering services in some areas.
“The Government’s reforms will improve the operating environment for providers and significantly reduce the level of red tape and prescription in the model so that they can focus on what they do best – namely helping people to find and keep a job.
“I encourage all local organisations, whether they are an existing employment provider or not, to consider submitting a tender to be part of the new employment services system,” Mr Joyce said.
The tender opened on Tuesday 7 October 2014 and closes on Monday 17 November 2014. Information on the tender and purchasing process is available at www.tenders.gov.au
The Government is seeking to contract for the delivery of the following services: Employment Providers, Work for the Dole Coordinators, the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme, Harvest Labour Services and the National Harvest Labour Information Service.
Further information is available at www.employment.gov.au