FEDERAL Member for New England Barnaby Joyce has praised the efforts of Kootingal Public School’s upper primary class which has received formal recognition for their efforts during National Literacy and Numeracy Week (NLNW).
Mr Joyce said the Kootingal students were some of the thousands of children from across Australia to participate in the Week’s official activities – Reach for the Stars, Read for Australia and Poem in your Pocket – between 25 to 31 August 2014.
Schools that submitted activity results on the NLNW website went into the draw for the chance to win a Literacy Planet 12-month school subscription, a Macquarie Dictionary Online school subscription and Pilot pen packs, among many other prizes.
“I’m delighted that Kootingal Public, which will receive a 12-month subscription to Literacy Planet, is from the New England Electorate and has had their literacy and numeracy skills recognised,” Mr Joyce said.
“We have many talented students in the Electorate and I’m sure they’ll enjoy using these resources as they continue their literacy and numeracy learning journeys.”
Minister for Education Christopher Pyne MP, who himself was an active participant in the Read For Australia activity, said the enthusiasm shown by school communities towards this year’s activities made the Week a great success.
Mr Joyce said NLNW is part of the Australian Government’s Students First approach, focusing on four key areas that will make a difference to students:
Teacher quality
School autonomy
Parental engagement
Strengthening the curriculum.