Barnaby praises business names booklet that is making it easier to do business

08 Oct 2014



FEDERAL Member for New England Barnaby Joyce has urged small business owners in the New England Electorate to access a copy of a booklet which aims to assist those starting or maintaining a business.


Mr Joyce said the booklet, Making It Easier To Do Business, published by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission [ASIC] is part of a reform that transferred close to 1.6 million business names from State and Territory agencies to ASIC.


He said the booklet includes valuable information including how ASIC administers the National Business Names Register, how to use its online service, information about ASIC Connect, registering a business name, updating business name details, cancelling or transferring a business name and searching the Business Names Register.


The booklet also provides details of other resources available to customers.


Mr Joyce said to June, 2014 the changes have saved businesses more than $76 million in reduced fees and almost 100 per cent of business names registration has been done online.


“There is an expectation by 2017 the improvement in ASIC’s online services and customer experience will deliver $320 million in time savings,” Mr Joyce said.


“This is a fantastic resource that will assist businesses and those planning to go into business to interact efficiently with ASIC online.”


The booklet is also available online at


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