FEDERAL Member for New England Barnaby has announced more low cost help for small business is about to be made available as part of the Abbott Government’s Australian Small Business Advisory Programme (ASBAS).
“The Government will make available $18 million over three years for chambers of commerce, business enterprise centres and industry groups to deliver advice and information services to small businesses and start-ups,” Mr Joyce said.
As part of the assistance small businesses will be able to get help in five keys areas to help improve their chance of success:
1. Funding avenues and financial analysis;
2. Building your business;
3. Making the most of your talent and team;
4. Management capabilities; and
5. Digital engagement implementation.
“Small businesses are an economic powerhouse. They make a vital contribution to the Australian economy and are an important driver of employment and innovation,” Mr Joyce said.
“The ASBAS programme is designed to help small businesses, including new start-up businesses and home-based businesses, build productivity and growth through the provision of low cost business advisory services.
“The Government recognises the importance of small business to the economy and to employment, growth and innovation, and has plans to rebuild the sector.
“We are determined to restore business confidence, to bring about a renaissance in the fortunes of small businesses and to reverse the decline in small business employment and prospects,” Mr Joyce said
The Australian Small Business Advisory Services (ASBAS) programme will open on 15 October 2014, for not-for profit small business advisory service providers, delivering low cost small business advisory and information services.
Eligible not-for-profit small business advisors interested in receiving further information may register via www.business.gov.au/asbas
New services are expected to begin in February 2015, and small businesses seeking assistance should contact the single business service contact centre or visit www.business.gov.au.