The Manilla Historical Society’s plan to publish the towns proud military history has taken another step forward thanks to a federal grant announced by Federal Member for New England Barnaby Joyce.
The $7598 grant will assist the society to publish ‘Manilla’s Men in Marble,’ a biography of the men from Manilla who volunteered for service in the First World War.
“Manilla has a proud history of military service and I am pleased to announce this funding to assist in publishing this important record,” Mr Joyce said.
“I am looking forward to seeing the book when it is off the press.”
The Federal Government’s Anzac Centenary Local Grants Program assists and encourages communities across Australia to undertake their own Anzac Centenary projects that commemorate the service and sacrifice of Australian servicemen and women in the First World War. The Anzac Centenary Local Grants Program is a key element of the Federal Government’s Anzac Centenary program through which funding of up to $125,000 is available across New England to support projects commemorating the First World War.
Mr Joyce said there would be more Anzac Centenary grants announcements in the coming months.
"More than sixty thousand Australians made the supreme sacrifice in the First World War, while some 18,000 remain buried on the Western Front with no known grave. Over this coming period of commemoration, it is important that their legacy of service and sacrifice, along with that of other allied nations, is appropriately honoured, remembered and commemorated."