$6500 Grant for Barraba
Men’s Shed
Federal Member for New England Barnaby Joyce has announced the Barraba Men’s Shed will receive a $6500 grant to continue its important work in providing a creative and social outlet for New England men.
The funding allocation is a result of the latest competitive Men’s Shed grants round made available through the National Shed Development. The Barraba shed is one of 45 Men’s Shed organisations selected for funding from across Australia.
Mr Joyce said the Men’s Shed organisation encouraged an atmosphere of sharing and learning among men, who often were retired but still looking at making a contribution in this next stage of their lives.
“The increasing popularity of the Men’s Shed organisations and the important outlet it provides makes it very worthy of government attention. I am pleased this funding has been allocated,” Mr Joyce said.
“This money will enable water services to be installed and the electrical facilities to be upgraded at the Barraba shed.”
“Men’s Sheds enable men to participate in their community by providing a place to meet, talk, get involved in their local community and learn about men’s health and wellbeing.”
“It is an important service for men, especially in rural areas where there is not the social infrastructure we generally see in the cities.”