09 Sep 2021

Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce has welcomed the lifting of COVID lockdown resrictions throughout the New England electorate - except for the Upper Hunter.

Mr Joyce said the people of New England are to be congratulated for maintaining vigilance against the COVID virus, and hopefully the Upper Hunter will soon join the rest of the electorate with its new freedoms.

“People want to circulate, meet up with friends and family and go shopping,” Mr Joyce said.                                                                                                                                                

“Wherever possible, we need to re-open shops and other businesses to get the economy moving again.

“Businesses have been brought to a standstill and employees prevented from earning an income.

“The lifting of lockdown limits will make a huge difference to individuals, families, employees, businesses and the economy in general,” Mr Joyce said.

“I hope the easing of restrictions can assist those living along the Queensland border where limits on cross-border movements have provided additional challenges.

“The lockdown restrictions will lift at 12.01 am on Saturday but certain restrictions will remain including social distancing and the wearing of masks in certain circumstances.

“I encourage everyone to be aware of the new limitations by visiting and following the links,” Mr Joyce concluded.

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