The Australian Government is investing $72.7 million to help farming, forestry and fishing exporters in the New England to expand and diversify their export markets in 2021 as part of its Agri-Business Expansion Initiative.
Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, said the package will provide rapid support for local agri-food exporters wanting to expand their international markets.
“There is little doubt the past year has been challenging for many primary producers but we are backing in our farm sector by providing greater access to market intelligence, additional grants for export related initiatives and capital investments, and more technical and trade experts to open and expand market access,” Mr Joyce said.
“Australia produces the best food and fibre in the world - in fact the New England and North West region produces 15 per cent ($1.8 billion) of the total gross value of all agricultural production in NSW - and while global demand for Australian produce is strong, we need to be continually growing and diversifying our exports in a globally competitive marketplace.
“I strongly encourage local agricultural exporters and industry bodies to take advantage of the additional measures announced by the Government.”
The package includes
• $42.9 million to scale up support to more than 2,000 agri-food exporters each year through Austrade’s services. Austrade will also work with industry bodies to deliver targeted advice and trade missions (where possible) to help exporters grow in existing and new markets.
• An $18.4 million expansion of the governments successful Agricultural Trade and Market Access program (ATMAC). Through the revised ATMAC program the government will partner with industry associations to improve Australia’s access to overseas markets, including through research, training, and capital works that support improved market diversification.
• $3.5 million for additional short-term Agriculture Counsellors to rapidly build targeted relationships and ensure a sharp focus on actions necessary to grow agricultural exports, complementing the work of our existing Counsellor network.
• A $6.8 million investment in enhanced scientific and technical market access capability, expanding the number of Australian scientists who are pursuing industry priorities in emerging and growth markets.
• A $1 million boost to our market intelligence capability to give exporters the information they need to grow their exports.
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